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Marina Viatkina
Artist & Gallery


The best is yet to come...

“Man never dies nor is he ever born”- an old Indian wisdom teaches us. Every atom of all things just flows from one form to another. Nothing on Earth is born anew – everything has already been here before us and will be there many more times again. It resembles the movement of a wheel. Physics and energy conservation principle. That means, that we dot not create anything from scratch.
I am an artist. But what does that mean? Looks like I make paintings that never existed before. That means I am the creator, the author? But this could be fair to the same extent, as we could believe that out of seven notes every composer writes the music never heard before or a writer uses letters and words to depict absolutely original stories of lives. Nothing is brand new – it’s either water under the bridge or is still ahead. Before, with or without us. But that is the charm and unbeatable force of these compositions – they make some pieces of our soul to respond consciously or instinctively to their call.
To capture the spirit of the moment, ephemeral glimpse of beauty, flashing impulse of energy and reflect it on canvas for at least a short period of our lifetime and thus let others feel and relish this elusive essence of our existence – this is how I see my artist destiny.
Marina Viatkina

Born in the coldest and severe month of February in enchained by democratic revolution Russia I have always been leaning towards rich palette of living nature.


Optimistic leader by nature I am always full of energy and curiosity to discover life in its different aspects like science, culture and obviously art.


All this love of life and subtle eye to its various traits have been reflected in my abstract expressionism paintings in oils and acrylics, inspired by my own reflections on music (be it classics like Piotr Tchaikovsky or jazz rhythms of Frank Sinatra), literature (Russian and French masters of 19th century), natural phenomena or outer space.




  • Oct 2017 – Feb 2018, Saatchi Gallery, Screen Display, London,UK

  • Oct 2017, Chrom-Art's TRIBE17 Art Festival at OXO, London,UK

  • Mar 2017, Clio Art Fair, New York, USA

  • Jul 2016, Art Santa Fe, Santa Fe, USA

  • May 2016, IV International Art Festival – Paint for Georgia,
    National Parliamentary Library of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia

  • May 2016, IV International Art Festival – Paint for Georgia,
    City of Mtskheta Central Garden, Georgia

  • Mar 2016, XIX Moscow International Art Salon "CHA 2016"
    at Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia

  • Dec 2015 – Jan 2016, Exhibition of the finalists of II Russian contest for young artists "Muse must work", Creative cluster "Artmusa",
    Saint-Petersburg, Russia

  • Nov – Dec 2015, IZO Art Gallery, Moscow, Russia

  • Nov 2015, ArtExpo Saint Petersburg 2015, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

  • Sep – Dec 2015, Saatchi Gallery, Screen Display, London,UK

Private Collections

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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Thinking of a custom piece?
Would like some more information?


Will be happy to discuss your special requests and make the best offer specially for you! Please, send me email through this form.


© 2015–24 Marina Viatkina

  • Marina Viatkina Insta
  • Twitter Marina Viatkina
  • Marina Viatkina YouTube

Thanks for your interest!

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